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Our specalities 


Political Risk Insurance 

Political Risk Insurance provides protection against losses incurred due to political instability, government actions, or regulatory changes that could adversely affect investments or operations in a foreign country.


Trade Finance

Trade finance involves the provision of financial instruments and services to facilitate international trade transactions, including financing for importing and exporting goods, managing risk, and optimizing cash flow.


Sustainable Finance & Development

Sustainable finance and development focus on integrating environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations into financial decision-making to promote long-term economic growth while addressing environmental and social challenges.


Public & Private Partnerships

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) involve collaborative arrangements between government entities and private sector organizations to jointly fund, develop, and manage projects or services for the public benefit, leveraging the strengths of both sectors to achieve shared goals.


International Joint Ventures

International joint ventures are collaborative business arrangements between two or more companies from different countries, pooling resources and expertise to pursue mutual interests in foreign markets while sharing risks and rewards.


Foreign Direct Investments

Foreign direct investments (FDI) involve investments made by individuals or companies from one country into business interests located in another country, typically establishing a lasting interest and significant degree of control over the foreign enterprise.


Entity Structuring, Tax Planning & International Tax Compliance 

Entity structuring, tax planning, and international tax compliance encompass the strategic organization of business entities, implementation of tax-efficient strategies, and adherence to international tax laws and regulations to optimize financial operations and ensure legal compliance across global jurisdictions.

We service the following industries: 

energy | water | satellite communications
infrastructure | private capital | agriculture

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